
Sometimes you find yourself drowning. Spiritually drowning, why? You have days where you are moving and focusing on things in your life. Your days are filled with meetings, doctors appointment, school, laundry, and other things.

You start to get that feeling like your drowning in a storm. Have you ever seen someone began to drown? They are gasping for air and they are freaking out because they are afraid of drowning. Your life is like the ocean, it is filled with everything. Imagine that you are swimming and everything is going well you know nice and smooth, but then a storm hits. You began to drown. You get so caught up in everything that goes on around you, you tend to forget about God. You are spiritually drowning because you go days without even acknowledging God. You are more focused on your schedule and stressing about school or something.

“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

When fear comes knocking on your door, do not let in because then you will begin to drown.

In Luke 8:22-25, Jesus wanted to go on the other side of the lake. So Jesus and his disciples got into the boat and they set out. As they were out in the lake, a storm hit. The disciples were afraid and thought that they were going to drown. They went to Jesus and woke him up. Jesus calmed the storm.

I am telling you this story because sometimes we forget that when we feel like we are drowning in a storm, Jesus is always there. We are never too deep for God, he can go right under you and lift you up. Do not allow yourself to drown. Let Jesus be your boat.

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